01 March 2018

Not Exactly Success

Well, failure can be instructive too.


  1. Ugh so sorry. I would be heart sick.. Sounds like you are too. Way to go putting a some what positive spin on it. Good life lesson.

  2. I am so sorry that happened and hope you won't be discouraged. The videos have been very helpful and also very enjoyable. I'm looking forward to seeing the next batch finished.

    1. Thanks, Nancy.
      The most discouraging part was not losing the syrup, but cleaning the pan. It took a couple hours of sanding, much of it by hand. :-(
      But it's all clean now, and I'm ready to boil when the sap flows again.

  3. sorry this happened... after all that work. I know you'll pick up and carry on, a person has to. Reminds me of some of my jelly making adventures; hours of work and plenty of sugar goes into it and then somehow it doesn't turn out right (then I call it 'Marmalade' or 'syrup'). But wow, when you have success, well, you can brag on yourself. I've enjoyed your videos.

  4. After 35+years of backyard sugaring I have had this happen more times than I care to admit. You smell it before you see it and you’re right the cleanup is horrendous.
